138 research outputs found

    Recursos electrónicos para la búsqueda terminológica en traducción : clasificación y ejemplos

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    Las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la traducción son una herramienta básica para la labor del traductor actual y, afortunadamente, encontramos cada vez más recursos disponibles en la Red dirigidos a traductores. En este artículo, presentaremos una serie de aplicaciones recientes que facilitan la búsqueda terminológica y documental al traductor.Les noves tecnologies aplicades a la traducció són una eina básica per la tasca del traductor actual i, afortunadament, trobem cada cop més recursos disponibles a la xarxa destinats a traductors. En aquest article presentem una sèrie d'aplicacions recents que faciliten al traductor la cerca terminològica i documental.New technologies applied to translation are an essential tool to translators in their daily life and, fortunately, they are becoming more and more widespread on the Internet. In this paper, we discuss several recent online applications whose aim is to facilitate terminological and document search to translators

    Methodological proposal to build a corpus-based ontology in terminology

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    Corpora are an indispensable resource to improve quality both in the linguistic and conceptual dimension of terminological projects. However, while there is complete agreement that specialised corpora are vital in the linguistic dimension of any terminological project (e.g. to select real contextual examples), there are three different approaches with regard to the conceptual dimension and not all of them employ corpora in their projects. In an attempt to shed some light on the advantages that corpora bring to the representation of specialised knowledge in terminology, this research follows the ontoterminography methodology (Durán-Muñoz 2012) to propose the building of a corpus-based ontology within a terminological project, in particular a specialised resource about an adventure activity (canyoning) in English. More specifically, it describes the different steps that are required to create such an ontology, from the analysis of the specialised domain and the compilation of the corpus to the representation of the specialised knowledge in the form of a corpus-based ontology

    Trandix: herramienta proactiva para la búsqueda terminológica del traductor y su evaluación

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    El presente trabajo analiza las tendencias actuales en el ámbito terminográfico así como las necesidades de los traductores con respecto a los recursos terminológicos que utilizan en sus traducciones, y presenta la herramienta Trandix, una aplicación informática novedosa que tiene como finalidad mejorar la eficiencia en las búsquedas terminológicas por parte de los traductores. Además de sus principales funcionalidades, este trabajo presenta los resultados de un experimento empírico llevado a cabo con la herramienta cuyos objetivos eran confirmar los beneficios que aporta a la labor traductora y recibir feedback para mejorar sus posibles debilidades. Esta herramienta está basada en la Teoría de las funciones (function theory), de Tarp (2008a), y en la propuesta de Spohr con sus diccionarios multifuncionales electrónicos (2009), y pretende servir de ejemplo para continuar con la investigación de recursos terminológicos que cumplan los requisitos y las expectativas de los traductores a la hora de realizar búsquedas terminológicas.This paper analyses current trends in the terminological field and translators’ needs regarding terminological resources. In this context, it presents the Trandix tool, a novel software application that intends to enhance efficiency in terminological searches conducted by translators. In addition to its main features, this paper presents the results of an empirical experiment carried out with the tool, whose main goals were to confirm the benefits that Trandix brings to translation and to receive feedback so as to improve its potential weaknesses. This tool is based on the Function Theory of Lexicography, by Tarp (2008a), and Spohr’s proposal concerning multifunctional electronic dictionaries (2009). A further goal is to serve as an example for further research in terminological resources aiming to meet translators’ requirements and expectations when searching for terminology.Este trabajo se ha realizado parcialmente en el seno del proyecto de I+D+i “INTELITERM: Sistema inteligente de gestión terminológica para traductores” (referencia n.º FFI2012-38881)

    Research competence in the EN-ES agri-food translation: information sources and its assessment

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    Los profundos cambios que el sector agroalimentario está experimentando actualmente y ante el incremento continuo de las exportaciones de productos agroalimentarios a terceros países se precisan, más que nunca, profesionales de la traducción con formación actualizada y especializada para facilitar la apertura de nuevas líneas de negocio en otros países, así como recursos adecuados que satisfagan sus necesidades de documentación y consulta durante sus encargos de traducción. En este trabajo, presentamos una selección de recursos relacionados con la traducción agroalimentaria inglés-español y analizamos sus principales características de acuerdo con unos criterios de evaluación determinados a fin de determinar si atienden a las necesidades terminológicas de los traductores de textos agroalimentarios.The profound changes that the agri-food sector is currently experiencing and the rapid increase of agri-food exports to third countries require, more than ever, translation professionals with specialized training to facilitate the opening of new business lines into other countries. At the same time, suitable resources are needed to meet translators’ needs of research and consultation during their translation tasks. In this paper, we present a selection of resources related to the English-Spanish agrifood translation, and analyze its main features according to specific evaluation criteria previously determined so as to measure their suitability regarding translators’ terminological needs in the agri-food translation sector

    Applying Ontologies to Terminology: Advantages and Disadvantages

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    This paper aims at discussing the main advantages that ontologies bring to the field of terminology and its users, focusing on different aspects and needs. Throughout the paper ontologies are acknowledged as a valuable resource to improve quality of terminological projects as well as the content of terminologies, but it also seems appropriate to define the concept of ontologies more precisely and to outline their benefits and limitations. To do so, we firstly discuss the multidisciplinarity of ontologies and the main recent uses within different disciplines. Secondly, we focus on terminology studies and theories and depict the evolution of this resource in the terminology field during the last decades, which has brought about the appearance of new methodologies and applications. Next, we put forward the advantages that ontologies bring to terminology in general and to several linguistic phenomena in particular (multidimensionality, for example) so as to shed some light on their importance in this field and, finally, we conclude with the discussion of significant drawbacks encountered, along with some final remarks about the use of ontologies in terminology work

    Inteliterm: in search of efficient terminology lookup tools for translators

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    ©De Gruyter, 2020. Published in Studies on Multilingual Lexicography, edited by: María José Domínguez Vázquez, Mónica Mirazo Balsa and Carlos Valcárcel Riveiro, available online at: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110607659 For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions